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CINEHILL - Motovun film festival 2023

from 15 EUR

( 113.02 HRK )
Motovun / Petehovac
Trg A. Antico, 52424 Motovun / Polane 1a, 51300 Delnice, , Croatia
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Proslavite s nama divne godine Motovuna i krenimo zajedno u osvajanje novog brda. Kako to sve spojiti, kako se snaći u novom konceptu?

Ovog ljeta pripremamo festival kakav nikada nismo, vjerojatno niti nećemo. Selimo s brda u planinu. U Motovunu je vrijeme za dvadeset i pet svjećica na torti: budite s nama na proslavi četvrt stoljeća filmskih druženja i besanih noći. U Gorskom kotaru nudimo osvježenje, šansu za novu ljubav i novu avanturu – filmsko događanje uklopljeno u čaroban planinski krajolik, kombinaciju planinarskog izleta i vrhunskog filmskog i glazbenog programa. Sve to uz radionice, šetnje, jogu i niz raznolikih događanja.

22. - 24.07. 📍 Motovun

26. - 29.07. 📍 Petehovac, Gorski kotar


Celebrate with us the wonderful years of Motovun and let’s head out to conquer new heights together. How to combine all this together, how to navigate the new concept?


This summer, we’re preparing a festival the way we’ve never done before, and probably never will again. We are moving from the hill to the mountain. In Motovun, it’s time to put twenty-five candles on our birthday cake, so join us in celebrating a quarter of a century of cinematic encounters and sleepless nights. In Gorski Kotar, we offer a refreshing getaway, a chance for new love, and a new adventure – a film event set in a magical mountain landscape, a top-notch film and music program combined with a hiking excursion. All this, as well as workshops, mountain walks, yoga, and many more events.


22. - 24.07. 📍 Motovun

26. - 29.07. 📍 Petehovac, Gorski kotar

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